With Apple releasing iOS 6.1 to the public, and MuscleNerd confirming that the Evad3rs Untethered 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak is indeed compatible with the public version there is only one question remaining… when will it be released?
Well, the good news is we are not talking very long. Essentially all that needs to be done now is to test the Jailbreak will all of 22 variations of the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and 2nd generation Apple TV. Once this is done it can be integrated into a Jailbreaking tool such as RedSn0w and can be publicly distributed.
This will likely take a matter of days and although no official release date has been given, MuscleNerd has hinted over Twitter that it will be this Sunday by saying”Hey, did everyone know the Super Bowl is this Sunday? What will you be doing /cc @evad3rs http://evad3rs.com?“. For all of your Football fans out there you will realize this is indeed the day of the Super Bowl and course #funday.
We detailed previously that the only device the Evad3rs Untethered Jailbreak will not be compatible with is the 3rd generation Apple TV. This is because it lacks the injection vector present on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
Mark your calendars for the February 3rd as this could indeed be the day the iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak lands. We will have an article on how to prepare for the iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak, but until that time stay tuned and let us know if you are excited for the Jailbreak in the comments section below. Don’t forget that for real-time updates on the Jailbreak keep your eyes glued to iJailbreak and of course to the official Twitter handle for the Evad3rs.