It is another day and we are yet again another step closer to seeing the Evasi0n Untethered Jailbreak released. If you check the Evasi0n website today (thanks to everyone who sent this in) you will notice that the progress bar is now at 75%. The Evad3rs are currently privately beta testing the Evasi0n Jailbreaking tool for Mac OS X and Windows and the Linux version is still in the works. They made a note that the next phase of the project will be extended beta testing with a broader audience and then it should be ready to be publicly released.
When you take a look at the process for bringing a Jailbreak tool to life, it is pretty impressive the amount of effort that goes behind it. Nowadays the developers behind Jailbreaks also take a very professional approach to the entire thing. In the past Jailbreaks used to be released with very little beta testing, nowadays, when a Jailbreaking tool is released there are very few things that get patched in future updates thanks to rigorous beta testing.
I know for one I can’t wait to Jailbreak my iPhone 5 and finally install some of the great new Cydia tweaks we have been hearing about such as Auxo. What are you most excited about for the iOS 6.X Untethered Jailbreak. Let us know in the comments section below.